Project MotherHOOD with Amhalise Morgan

A little about Amhalise, I'm a freelance Casting Director for 20 years and now working directing my first short film. Single mom for 10 years! :)
I think Motherhood is a beautiful second chance. A second chance to love without restriction and with full vulnerability. What I mean by that is many times we create these perfect beings with someone we truly love and it doesn't work out and we are left hurt. However! If we take the beautiful fruit of the relationship and release the responsibility of the partner to be something we NEED and allow them to be who they ARE and in turn we can give whole heartedly to our children.
How do you define Motherhood?
Wow that is a loaded question. I think the beauty of celebrating motherhood is understanding we all do it different and that in itself is beautiful. For me, I wanted to be a mom since I was a little girl so when I became I mom I was ready to do it completely.
What are a few things that help you recharge your batteries?
I believe recharging is super important. I enjoy alone time be it waking up an hour before my kids wake up every morning or taking a bath with candles while they are at school. My kids travel a lot with their dad so when they do, I really enjoy that time. I read, binge watch a show in bed, or hang out with friends.
We do our best and can't do it all. Where do you allow yourself to be unapologetic as a Mother?
Because I have been freelance my children's whole life they know when I am not working and can give them my full attention versus when I am working and they need to help me by being self sufficient and helping me more.
How has Motherhood inspired you?
Motherhood has inspired me to understand what needs our attention and why does not and the importance of laughing daily.
What's your favorite beauty must do when you are feeling exhausted on the inside?
Solitude, be it a long hot shower, a bath or watching a film alone in my room. Beauty truly starts from within and we all need to recharge.
One of two: A note of compassion you want to offer a Mother reading this. Preferably something that might/could have been comforting to you at one point of time. OR Note to self.
I've heard other mom's having a challenging time raising teens. My teens (knock on wood) are pretty terrific. I do know though I started talking to them about their feelings as well as my feelings ("I'm worried about not working right now so that's why I seem preoccupied", "So and so died and that's why I am super sad").
Talking to them since they were young established the foundation for them to talk to me about their feelings so NOT talking to me seemed foreign. I think this is the biggest challenge many parents face. They don't talk to their kids when they are young and want to begin when they are teens and that teen has been feeling feelings on their own for so long talking to their parents seems foreign.
I asked my 16 year old daughter why she thought we had such a good relationship and she replied "because you never treated us like responsibilities, you treat us like people".
I am also very aware of the fact that being a single mom from the time they were 3 and 6 and being freelance has given me a luxury that others do not have. I always commend my married mom friends because honestly I don't know how you can switch gears daily from being nurturing to their kids and sexy beast for their partner. I have also learned to observe from other mother's and take it and grow from it.
I remember having a friend who had a very uncontrollable child and people constantly telling me and not extending party invitations to her. I used that as a teachable moment for my kids and explained that I love doing things and going places with them and didn't want to have to leave them at home if children were allowed because they couldn't behave. My kids wanted to be with me and not a sitter and always tried their hardest to use good manners and behave. I am not saying my children are perfect but we do try our hardest to be the best we can be and when we fall we are there to help each other up and dust ourselves off.
Thank you Amhalise!