Project MotherHOOD with Melanie Marie

I define myself as a mompreneur or a serial entrepreneur. Both fit ;-)
I own my own business and I work out of my home office, so the baby is home with me.
A little about Mel, I am in a relationship and I am home with the baby. My boyfriend owns his own business as well, so he is able to be come home when he has breaks from work. Both of our schedules are flexible so it works out great.
How do you define motherhood?
I define motherhood as nurturing. Yes, we carry these tiny humans inside of us for 9 months, and give birth to them. However, I believe the nurturing of the child through its life defines motherhood. Mothers care for their children with the deepest of love. A mother cares about your feelings, dreams, successes and so much more. A mother is a nurturer.
What are a few things that help you recharge your battery?
I am easily pleased lol Small things can put a smile on my face. Ever since I have become a mother, my list got even more boring haha
A nice hot shower (uninterrupted)
A massage
A pedicure and manicure
Just sitting in silence and relaxing, clearing my mind and deep breathing.
We do our best and cant do it all. Where do you allow yourself to be unapologetic as a mother?
There are so many things women need to consider throughout the day. You want to make sure you look cute for your man, make sure the house is cleaned, make sure the baby is clean, make sure your work is done. Sometimes, one or maybe a few of these things wont get done and you wont feel bad because sometimes we have to be unapologetic! At times, I am not sorry that I want to just be alone for a few minutes, I am not sorry that I want to get a few more hours of sleep, I am not sorry that I don’t always want people’s advice or tips.
How has motherhood inspired you?
Wow, I don’t even know where to begin! I cant even remember life before my daughter was born. Ever since she got here, my hustle has been on a million. I launched a new jewelry line and a lifestyle blog because I was inspired by her. When I look at her I realize that I need to go hard, for her. I know that I want to create a life for her that is far beyond amazing. Becoming a mother taught me how to love unconditionally – omniconditionally. I know that I need to be great because I have to set an example and be the best person I can be for this little lady- not perfect – just a fallible human being striving to be my best, to be honest and kind, to be unselfish and giving and a good mother.
Whats your favorite beauty must do when you are feeling exhausted on the inside?
I love to get a facial. A facial is so relaxing and I am able to sit back, relax and just regroup. I love how I can relax and get pampered at the same time. Moms always take care of everyone, sometimes we need to be taken care of :-)
A note of compassion you want to offer a mother reading this – preferably something that might/could have been comforting to you at one point of time.
There are a lot of things that new moms don't know or expect after they have a baby. Sometimes people tell us things, but you never really know how to handle it until you are actually experiencing it for yourself. Here are some things to take into consideration:
Sleep when the baby sleeps. It’s so hard to do but it’s so important. Don’t spend energy cleaning the house, working or going on social media. Sleep.
Take advantage of the space people will give you for a short time. For a short time, the only time in your life, people will expect nothing from you other than to be with your baby. Don’t pass up this opportunity.
You are not weak for asking for help. I am the type of person that "does it all". I always feel like I have to complete everything and it can get exhausting. After I had my daughter, I still had this mentality. I hate asking for help at times because I don't like to inconvenience people. I had to realize It is ok to ask for help.
It's ok to mourn your pre-mommy days. Sometimes people forget to tell you the real Hard parts of being a new mom. You can love your child more than anything in the world and still mourn for your pre-mommy days. EVERYONE DOES! Some just don’t want to say it because they feel guilty or abnormal for having those feelings. But, SAY IT! We all go through it!
Its ok to feel frustrated. In those first few months, it’s okay to feel frustrated and angry and sad. Both you and the baby will have these feelings. It doesn’t mean you don’t love each other. With each new day and each tear shed you’ll be gradually building the most amazing bond there ever was. Just wait and see.
Having a baby is a magical experience! It is also a lot of work. Embrace and appreciate every moment with your baby. They will only be a baby once. Any tough moment you are experiencing will pass. You will cry, you will laugh. But you want to know what? You will emerge successful. You will be forever changed, and you will be better off because of it.
Thank you Mel!