Project MotherHOOD with Monique Beasley

Mama to Harleigh Rose & I co-parent with Harleigh's father. I work full time in HR for a non-profit but I am on currently figuring out what is next for me. I haven't made a career stick because I haven't actually loved something one hundred percent. I would like to find a path that works for me and checks off what I need career wise.
How do you define Motherhood?
I personally define motherhood as a part in the mosaic of who I am as a human being. It ties into my life's work and it is also something that is constantly evolving, I think I want to parent one way but as I grow and learn more about what is important, those lessons show up in the way I raise Harleigh. I also believe that once you become a mother, motherhood becomes a tribe and is filled with other women who are there to help you along the way.
What are a few things you like to do that help you recharge your batteries?
Prayer and journaling are the main ways that I recharge on a daily basis. If I can exercise, I like to do that too because it relieves tension and stress for me.
Is there a Mother that has inspired your journey and if so, how?
I don't think I have one singular mother for this answer. Every woman who has raised a child that I have personally known, or listened to, or was told a story by, including my own Mom, have been an inspiration to me.
How has Motherhood inspired you?
It has inspired me to be brutally honest with myself. I have had to face things about myself that I have pushed aside in the past It has really required me to level up to my full potential.
What's your favorite beauty must do when you are feeling exhausted on the inside?
I consciously drink as much water as I can, so when I am tired it's always the first thing I grab I also love a good face mask. I buy the single use sheet masks and if I have more time I will use the bentonite clay powder with water or ACV.
One of two: A note of compassion you want to offer a Mother reading this. Preferably something that might/could have been comforting to you at one point of time. OR Note to self.
Dear Mama,
When it feels overwhelming (because it will) or when you are filled with doubt (because we are human), don't forget who you are. Remember that God dwells within you and with that power you can move mountains. Take time for yourself, no matter what that looks like; even a few minutes a day to talk to yourself in a loving and gentle way can do wonders for you and your relationship with your child. Believe you are still that creative soul that loves to frequent jazz clubs and indie cinemas; that woman is still there, she just has a new focus. And when you are feeling overwhelmed and your child is playing on her iPad and the guilt creeps in because you know you should be engaging with her; don't feel bad. That little girl knows she has a mother who is willing to get down and play like no there's no tomorrow, but today has opted for a different playdate; one that fulfills the need of both mama and daughter (well mostly mama). Remember that your dreams are still valid and to never stop going after them. Resilience is key and what better way for your daughter to understand it then through watching you meet and exceed the goals that you have set for yourself.
Thank you Monique!