Project MotherHOOD with Luna Angel

I was living in Los Angeles when my fiance and I met. One year and a half into the relationship we made the decision for one of us to move. The long distance was tough, but we were committed to finding a solution. I was doing music, songwriting, and modeling out in LA. When I moved to NYC it was a different flow, I was getting older and made some conscious life decisions that I needed more stability in my life. I decided to go into real estate. I am currently working at a marketing firm for luxury real estate. I still do my music as often as I can. My fiance is a very hands on parent as well.
How would you define Motherhood in your own terms?
Motherhood has been my biggest blessing. My daughter continues to show me a level of love I never even thought existed. Motherhood changes you. It humbles you and gives you a complete new outlook on the world. Things that I thought were important are now secondary. There is a wisdom and camaraderie that you have with other mothers. Its almost like a nod of acknowledgement, as if to say "yep, I get you. I understand you. we did this". I have a complete new respect for mothers, single mothers or any care giver for that matter. I have had some amazing opportunities in my life to tour the world, see different countries, perform at huge festivals, but nothing, I mean nothing compares to motherhood. Everything I have achieved in my life is in absolutely no comparison to that of a being a mother.
What are a few things that help you recharge your batteries?
Our daughter is on a pretty good sleep schedule, we pray it continues! She sleeps from 8 PM to 6 AM, and during the hours from 8 PM-11 PM, gives us time to have dinner, catch up on TV shows, reading, I can practice my music. It's extremely crucial to have that "me time" as a parent. Taking moments to decompress and unwind, a parent has to recharge their body and spirit. I also do hot yoga once a week and gym once a week. The hot yoga helps me center, sweat out any toxins, meditate and take some time to myself to go inward. I also bring a long my mom who is a dancer herself, and it helps her unwind after a busy week with Angelina. If we're really lucky, we'll squeeze in an African dance class when time permits.
We do our best and can't do it all. Where do you allow yourself to be unapologetic as a Mother?
My fiance and I love going out, having drinks, dancing and being social. We are both very social individuals, so we try our best to not feel guilty of going out and having fun. It's important to have adult conversations outside of work. We are extremely lucky since we have both our moms to watch her if we would like a night out on the town.
How has Motherhood inspired you?
I am so inspired to travel with my daughter. Teach her the world. Expose her to different cultures, dance, and of course music. I want her to be raised with a deep connection to her culture, my husband and I both have Caribbean roots. I have not done it yet, but I am extremely inspired to write a song about motherhood or just about her. I know it will come at the right time.
What's your favorite beauty must do when you are feeling exhausted on the inside and on the go?
I have a couple things. Concealer, Bronzer and green tea matcha with almond milk. If I am running low on sleep I will slap on some concealer under my eyes, Bronzer on my face and go! I don't drink coffee, and I am more of the juicing/smoothie type, but juicing is very time consuming. So green tea matcha gives me the energy boost I need when I have brain fog. I try my best to make time to get a pedicure and foot massage. As a mother we do so much with our hands, so instead of paying money for a manicure that will be ruined in 2 days, I'll do a pedicure for my toes and foot massage to release any tension.
One of two: A note of compassion you want to offer a Mother reading this. Preferably something that might/could have been comforting to you at one point of time. OR Note to self.
Be patient with yourself. If you are a pregnant mother to be, don't go too deep into what people tell you. Follow your intuition, and if you don't feel connected to it, just be present in the moment. Enjoy the process. Know that we come from a lineage of grandmothers and ancestors who did this before, over and over. We have the ability to be super heroes. Also, take time to call on your sisters and community, it truly takes a village. We all need each other in the journey, and being a parent is not a time where anyone will look at you as selfish or needy.
Thank you Luna!