Project MotherHOOD with Nora G

I am a single mom, that works full time. I have two jobs... I advise companies on their international development and also run an initiative on my free time - the initiative is promoting empathy in the corporate world and beyond, I am also a writer.
1. Traditionally, the term motherhood is changing. How are you defining MotherHOOD as it relates to you in this day of age?
Motherhood is such an interesting concept, I never believed that you needed to birth a child to be a mom... motherhood is a state of mind, a way of being towards others and sometimes yourself. I believe that mother is a verb not really a noun... It's the way you carry yourself and handle life.
2. What unexpected challenges as a Mother have you had that you were not expecting?
Mmmm, time apart from my daughter Lena-Marlowe has created a feeling I can hardly describe. I have always been a loner, and really enjoy my time alone. Never felt lonely, until her. When she is not around, I have that sentiment. I understand it now. The other challenge is that I cannot cook, even my life depended on it. I even managed to set my stove on fire once in NY. I am "trying" to cook and Lena-Marlowe is my best critic. She has inherited my honesty and she tells it like it is... I am not quiet there yet but I believe a great cook is within me, laughs....
3. We do our best and can't do it all. Where do you allow yourself to be unapologetic as a Mother?
I tell it like it is, I am very honest with my daughter about life, about love, about current affairs and feelings. When she asks a question I always tell her the truth. It gives her perspective and she is good at debating. I never ask what she "thinks", always what she "feels".
4.How has Motherhood inspired you?
In my work, my greatest inspiration is Lena Marlowe, she is also a great inspiration cause she is fearless, always joyful and incredibly kind. Motherhood also showed me that I am even more patient than I thought...
5. What's your favorite beauty must do when you are feeling exhausted on the inside and on the go?
Hands down, my meditation practice. Lena Marlowe does it with me sometimes.
6. One of two: A note of compassion you want to offer a Mother reading this. Preferably something that might/could have been comforting to you at one point of time. OR Note to self.
Compassion to my fellow moms: "You are doing the best you can, don't listen to that tiny voice inside that tells you otherwise, don't be so hard on yourself, be in the present moment, and most importantly care for yourself, just like in the plane put your mask on first so that you better help your child, breath..."
Thank you Nora!