Project MotherHOOD with L. Hollis-Wilkerson

I am a widowed, full time homeschool mom of three precious gifts, my children. We are full time talent. The children and I model and act. I have a passion for empowering our youth, particularly our girls. I have been doing so over the past twenty some odd years as an independent contractor through the guise of "Kings Kids" which is our homeschool name and the name of a youth group I started. The passion quickly morphed into another stream of income for us. We have become open to the endless possibilities of our future since we have lightened our load this enables us with the flexibility to be mobile as we save and prepare to move into our RV.
Not only has my teenage son changed my parenting but becoming a widow has changed me as a parent and an individual in some respects as well. For example, the idea to travel full time in an RV was a thought for the far off future. But with my husband passing and the time passing rather quickly the question entered my mind as to why was I still in Ohio. Why not try that RV thing now. Why not make ourselves more accessible for more work opportunities as talent. This is where the shift came in, it was clear it was time to go!!! As a young adult I was more of a risk taker. With becoming a parent I wanted to be more "safe", "responsible" and "create stability".
But no matter how safe you play it, how responsible you are and or how much stability you create, nothing quite prepares you for the death of a husband. Nothing prepares you with the weight of the idea that "I'm it, I am all my children have". So in the face of fear I'm learning to be a new kind of fearless. In this unknown territory of life, parenting and truly parenting alone (no disrespect to my village), I'm learning to live again because everything is new and different. I'm not the same person and that is challenging because this is new and there is hurt and emotion and this is hard but not impossible. I'm more determined than ever to succeed at parenting. What success as a parent means to me is living life by having experiences that allow you to feel alive, experiences that prepare you for adulthood and experiences that prepare your soul for the hereafter.
How do you define MotherHOOD?
I define MotherHOOD as the great commission. Here we have these miraculous little lives that have been gifted to us. They do not ask to come here! We invite them, we desire them, we want them, we pray for them; now they are here. It is our responsibility to love, nurture and prepare these little souls or spirit filled beings for this world and the one after. This I feel is a full time job.
What are a few things you like to do that help you recharge your batteries?
A few things I do to recharge my batteries are read the "word", pray, think on the things I am grateful for, write and say affirmations to encourage myself, take a walk, rise early so I can have some quiet time alone and stay connected with friends (old & new) who have children and those who do not have children. These are my tools for survival as a parent and in general for life.
Is there a mother that has inspired your journey? If so, how?
My high school best friend inspired my journey to becoming a parent. She made parenting and being a wife look so appealing. It all looked like this perfect package. I wanted in on the deal. Mind you after I was in it marriage and parenting, specifically a teen, I felt a bit bamboozled, hoodwinked if you will. But the truth is, she inspires me because of the finesse of how she has managed marriage and parenting. She does this by her close walk with Christ which has been an inspiration.
How has MotherHOOD inspired you?
MotherHOOD has inspired me to be my best self. MotherHOOD has given me life. Life as I have never known it. It has inspired me to think outside the box. It has inspired me to give liberally of myself. It has inspired me to be more creative, patient, loving, kind, and understanding. I have been inspired through MotherHOOD to understand the life, the choices and the struggles of my own mother which before I had judged harshly. I now have compassion and empathy for mothers of today and yesterday.
What's your favorite beauty must do when you are feeling exhausted on the inside?
My favorite beauty "must do" when I'm feeling exhausted on the inside is go get a mani/pedi from my favorite salon where they serve wine. This always does something for me on the inside. If this pampering "must" isn't in the budget at the time, I take a bath with sea salt, my favorite oils by candlelight with my favorite music and a glass of wine.
What strengths did MotherHOOD bring out in you?
I think the strengths that MotherHOOD has brought out and enforced in me are the ability to be an independent thinker, leader and my management skills. I've always been a bit of a leader and an independent thinker but I think as a parent those skills have been strengthened. In life I think people will always have opinions and or your best interest at hand. At the end of the day it's up to you as a mother to choose what's best for you and or your children and sometimes that can mean standing alone which forces you to think independently and lead. As a parent but also being a homeschool mom, an entrepreneur, I'm always looking for the best way to manage my home and create order and keep it. So I must admit my management skills have truly been strengthened through MotherHOOD.
Note to self: MotherHOOD is truly a gift, enjoy your gift! Take a deep breath, you got this!
Thank you Lou!