Project MotherHOOD with Angie Garcia

I recently quit my full time job to focus on both my businesses and return to school full time (major biological science) I am no longer a single mother, I have been married for 5 years. I also co parent well with my oldest child father (about 2 years now).
Owl by envy (orgasms with love) is many things. We are a sex toy party company, along with educating on how to use sex toys. I have expanded to confession of a love coach, which is a book I am writing about my life and others. along with podcasting and vlogs.
Jc Cake face spa is a kids mobile spa. We speak to children,tweens and teens about real beauty, which is not out but their true talents they hold.
1. The term motherhood is changing. How would you define the word MotherHOOD as it relates to you in this day of age?
Motherhood for me is the biggest job I have, It means losing sleep when your kids are sick, losing sleep to work late in order to achieve success, in order to give my children a great home. Motherhood to me is attending every events they may have, helping them be successful in life. But most important is to protect them, to show them how to love be humble in life, and except everyone for who they are.
2. Motherhood is hard for all of us, what part(s) of it has been hard for you?
In the beginning when it was just my daughter and myself, I was a single mother. It was hard juggling my responsibilities with work, school, and being a mother. I was a full time student and had a full time job. I was always worried about making ends meet or even getting to her daycare on time.
3. We do our best and can't do it all. Where do you allow yourself to be unapologetic as a Mother?
ALL THE TIME! I have learned through life to think about my decisions and my options if any before taking action. So that I don't feel regret or have to apologize on how I choose to raise my children. Or it doesn't effect them in any way.
4. Motherhood tends to create an opportunity to put things into perspective, what perspectives has it brought you?
My point of view on motherhood is not easy. But I've learned a few key points; as long as your organized and have a schedule it makes a mothers job easy. For example, my children are in bed by 7:30pm (their homework is done, dinner, and showered is all done) This gives me time to catch up on me time as well as work or school.
5. What part of Motherhood has inspired your current journey?
My past abusive relationship before and after my first child father / emotional childhood, has inspired me to what I have become and created. Having two businesses; one for adults (to bring back sexuality) and the other for kids (to show them that beauty is not out but the talents they hold within them)
When it comes to an abusive relationship it's very hard to pinpoint why Us women stay sometimes it could be so many things it can be fear of being alone it can be fear of not being financially stable or it could just be fear of what that other person may do to us. I've had many different abusive relationships physical emotional spiritual verbal mental abuse everything you can think of. I first encountered abuse I was only 18 and my boyfriend was twice my age I was shot I was stabbed and I left that relationship the same day with my oldest daughter's father it was an ongoing thing with just emotional and verbal abuse that I thought it was okay because it wasn't physical until my daughter was born not even a few days old he got drunk and beat me and kick me out in a snowstorm with my daughter I left that relationship right away.
6. One of two: A note of compassion you want to offer a Mother reading this. Preferably something that might/could have been comforting to you at one point of time. OR Note to self.
To all mothers, Never give up on being a mother, there are times where we have messed up our lives or thought we hit rock bottom. But remember we are the only ones to lift ourselves up, not to correct us (mothers) but to make sure our children don't make the same mistakes or paths we have taken.
NOTE TO SELF: Girl, you have been through hell and beyond that shit that most people have yet to know exists. So don't stop now on taking on the world.
Thank you Angie!