Project MotherHOOD with Stepha LaFond

Women are notoriously hard on ourselves and that multiplies as we become moms and deal with mommy guilt. We somehow have bought into this idea that not only should we be doing all the things, we should also be perfect at all time.
A lot of the pressure we put on ourselves comes from committing to things that we think we should be doing, and get so disappointed when we fall short.
Learning to be gentle with ourselves is key to battling self-judgment. Allow space for your human-ness.
Boundaries, believe it or not, are also key because they protect us from over committing or doing things we hate just to check some box.
If all else fails, step back and ask yourself how big of a deal the thing you’re being hard on yourself about will be in 10 years? Chances are... probably not that big!
Forgive yourself, you are worthy.
Guest post feature by Stepha LaFond, Life coach, Mama mentor and creator of @MamaSlyLife learn more by visiting her site
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