Project Motherhood with LaShanda Dandrich

Motherhood has been tough and inspiring in much of the same ways for me. What makes it tough is also what inspires me to grow. The toughest thing about entering Motherhood for me was/is the stress (though I feel it is a good stress) of raising a good Human. A well rounded, self-confident, caring, giving, empathetic human. How do I guide this human in this world? This ultimately falls back to me and how I view myself in the world. Am I truly a caring, self-confident, empathetic, giving person? The day to day of parenting has never been difficult for me. I loved the infant stage and didn't mind the sleepless nights. And now as a single Mom, the juggling of school work and play dates with my adult work and adult social life (finger crossed for actual dates in the future!) is manageable. When you literally have a little person that looks like you and mimics almost everything you do day to day, it makes you really pause and think about your contribution to this world.
I am a lactation consultant and when people ask how I got into this field, I always give Ava credit for "birthing a lactation consultant". 10 years ago I physically gave birth to her, but daily she births new life into me!