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Project Motherhood with Allycia Wilson

As a single parent, I play the role of mom and dad, which can present challenges and test your strength. I wear many hats every day: chauffeur, tutor, chef, and nurse…the list goes on. There is no salary for being a mom or pat on the back, but the reward of seeing your children grow up to be smart, kind human beings is a blessing. Motherhood is such a blessing! I don’t take any day for granted.

I am the most girly-girl you’ll ever meet. But, raising two boys has me rolling around in dirt during soccer matches or scraping my knees during basketball in our backyard. I’m left looking like a sweaty mess, but I love every minute of it. Why? Because these are moments that they will remember and say “My mom was always there for us.” So, when there are tough days, I don’t roll my eyes and say, “I have to do this or that for them.” I replace it with, “ I get to do it for them.” Children grow up so fast; you have to cherish each day. Tough days are inevitable, but there are always brighter days ahead.

When I was about eight months pregnant, I was let go from my corporate job. After my first son was born, my desire for entrepreneurship started. When my children help me pack orders and tell me how proud they are to see my name on my products; that is what empowers me. I want them to see that anyone, especially woman, can be strong and independent. When they give me kisses on the cheek and say, “Mom, you’re doing a great job!” that’s all the inspiration I need.

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